Use the GEARYS products to design for email, website, or printed materials. Use our store, branding, and website as inspiration for your designs. Make sure the designs are engaging to the user.
I designed two different layouts with two gifs I created for Hermes dinnerware with a Springtime theme. The first link has two pages, just click the right arrow and the second link has one page. I was inspired by the animals and plants on the plates and decided to make the images into gifs in Photoshop. The gifs bring an interactive element to digital designs which help to engage the user.
I designed the two layouts and added fonts and logos in InDesign. I used Josefin Sans and Mr. Eaves Mod OT fonts to match the fonts on the Gearys website. I used the Hermes and Gearys logos'. The images are originally from the Gearys website and since they are in a square shape I made the first layout a simple square shaped page to match it. The second layout uses the square images diagonally to break up the text. Both of these layouts could be used for an email, website, or printed materials.

Trade Mark Interiors

Design a magazine advertisement for FLORIDA DESIGN MAGAZINE using brand guidelines, color palette, images, fonts, and layouts to best promote Trade Mark Interiors.
I created this print advertisement using the inviting and warm sunlit image of the table and chairs to help Trade Mark Interiors showcase their brand. Using classic placement for the logo and contact information at the bottom of the page to give the image enough of it's own space to shine. The fonts and colors are taken from the brand guidelines to connect the brand with other existing touch points such as the website. I added the same font as the logo for the header. I designed this ad in Adobe InDesign and Photoshop.


Billboard and Flyer

Design promotional materials, a billboard and flyer, for Rahwa Daniel with her brand colors and image. Make sure it is legible and straightforward.
I designed a flyer and billboard for Rahwa's The Great Kidney Search. Flyers can be downloaded directly from her website so people can print them and help post them around their city. I used her black and white image and colors to add a dramatic tone. I used the purple to add color to the page without overpowering the message and to keep it simple. We quoted Debra Messing from her empowering video message which further helps promote Rahwa's cause. The flyer has a QR code that connects to the The Great Kidney Search website.

Design a 15 page cookbook using InDesign with four recipes on any topic. Add a cover, title pages, table of contents, introduction, recipes, index, and back cover. Use the grid to align your content. Use consistent typefaces and sizes. Design in sections and look over everything and edit. Get feedback and revise. Two month project.
I chose Ayurvedic cooking and included my favorite dishes and beverages. I included consistent fonts and header sizes. I used images from Unsplash and drew illustrations. I chose a color palette and consistent imagery. I was inspired by my favorite teas and meals. I wanted to include illustrations to showcase my style.


Create a menu using InDesign, include photos, illustrations, and text. Can be a real or fictional restaurant. Must have four sections of headers and descriptions of menu items. Start with research and thumbnail sketches.
The Treehouse is my idea for a new restaurant in the rural environment of Topanga, CA. Its concept is similar to the Inn of the Seventh Ray with an upscale organic menu. I selected the dishes on the menu and included my favorite items. I used CF One Two Trees font for the logo and matched the colors to the theme as well. I drew the leaves in Illustrator and got the photos from I used small caps for the items and center aligned the copy.



Design a newsletter for a company of your choice using colors, photos, and layouts to emphasize your theme.
I created this "Yoga Outdoors" newsletter and logo which is inspired by the Pandemic and the need to go outdoors and do yoga to de-stress. I was inspired by the movement in the yoga poses in the photos which gave life to each page. The colors and themes also inspired me. Connecting each element created balance and exuded peace. I included icons to emphasize each page's theme. Each page is its own design connected by the overall topic and colors that work well together.